When you’re putting information about your business on the web, you want it to be on an up-to-date responsive website that can be viewed on your customers’ mobiles and tablets as well as on their laptop/desktop computers. Building upon the award-winning WordPress system, Adamson Design can design and supply responsive, web-friendly sites that look great and function flawlessly.
The website will present your pictures, video and text in a lively and engaging manner, backed by our common-sense approach and advice about sales and advertising. Each website is bespoke and is customised to suit the client’s aspirations – if you need a web picture gallery, then we add that feature. If you’re primarily selling on price, then we would add an offer on the home page. Naturally the websites include a content management system so that each client can make updates to text and pictures themselves.
The client’s needs are the starting-point for our web design & development and we will bring in additional digital services as your job requires. These could be experts in web business intelligence reports, keyword analysis, web performance reports, search engine optimisation or email newsletters – as well as our traditional design partners, like copywriters, photographers and videographers.