I was delighted to have the opportunity to create the website design for this well-known, traditional Glasgow pub. Building on the pub’s existing house colours, I designed a web-friendly, responsive website that can be viewed on their customers’ mobiles and tablets. The site – The Atholl’s first website – allows the owners to show their menus, pricelists and their array of food offers. There are pages listing their range of drinks, Malt of the Month, hearty testimonials from their customers, a location map and a blog. The history of The Atholl Arms and the Pavilion Theatre across the road are also covered in fascinating detail. And due to the content management system within the website design, the owners can update the text and pictures as their offers change.
Website design for The Atholl Arms pub
If you’re a prospective customer for The Atholl – and I recommend it – you can be shopping in Sauchiehall Street, look up the day’s food offer on your mobile, and pop up the street to The Atholl to order homemade food and a good pint! While your food cooks, why not pass the time catching up on the pub’s history on your mobile too.
Thanks to Allan Ingwerson for supplying the laptop and mobi photograph.